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Loading Data from Excel Files

In game development, configuration data is often stored in tables, and Excel files are commonly used due to their intuitive nature and ease of editing. These files allow game designers or team members responsible for character design to maintain data efficiently. This article will introduce how to use the Content.loadExcel and Content.loadExcelAsync functions provided by the Dora SSR engine to load Excel .xlsx files and convert them into Lua tables for use in games.

1. Function Overview

The Dora SSR engine provides two functions to load Excel files:

  • Content.loadExcel: Synchronous loading of Excel files.
  • Content.loadExcelAsync: Asynchronous loading of Excel files.

Both functions work similarly, with the key difference being whether the current thread is blocked.

1.1 Function Signatures

-- Synchronous Loading
Content.loadExcel(self: Content, filename: string, sheetNames?: {string}): table | nil

-- Asynchronous Loading
Content.loadExcelAsync(self: Content, filename: string, sheetNames?: {string}): table | nil

1.2 Parameter Descriptions

  • filename: The name of the Excel file to read (string).
  • sheetNames: Optional parameter, a list of sheet names to read from the Excel file. If not provided, all sheets are read by default.

1.3 Return Values

  • Returns a Lua table on success, with keys as sheet names and values as the data rows.
  • Returns nil on failure.

2. Step-by-Step Guide

2.1 Preparing the Excel File

Ensure that your Excel file is located in the game's resource directory or an accessible path. Assume the file to load is named config.xlsx and contains two sheets, with the first row of each sheet being the header that defines the meaning of each column. In practice, you can add more columns and rows as needed for your game.

  • Enemies sheet (Enemy Configuration):

    • EnemyID: The unique identifier for the enemy.
    • EnemyName: The name of the enemy.
    • Health: The health points of the enemy.
    • Attack: The attack power of the enemy.
  • Items sheet (Item Configuration):

    101Health PotionConsumable50
    102Mana PotionConsumable30
    • ItemID: The unique identifier for the item.
    • ItemName: The name of the item.
    • Type: The type of the item (e.g., consumable, weapon, armor).
    • Value: The item's value or effect.

2.2 Using loadExcel for Synchronous Loading

local Content <const> = require("Content")

-- Load the specified Excel file
local excelData = Content:loadExcel("config.xlsx")
if excelData then
-- Access data from the "Enemies" sheet
local enemiesData = excelData["Enemies"]
if enemiesData then
for rowIndex, row in ipairs(enemiesData) do
local enemyID = row[1]
local enemyName = row[2]
print(string.format("Enemy ID: %s, Name: %s", enemyID, enemyName))

-- Access data from the "Items" sheet
local itemsData = excelData["Items"]
if itemsData then
for rowIndex, row in ipairs(itemsData) do
local itemID = row[1]
local itemName = row[2]
print(string.format("Item ID: %s, Name: %s", itemID, itemName))
print("Failed to load Excel file.")

Parsing the Returned Data Table

The returned excelData is a nested Lua table with the following structure:

["Enemies"] = {
{ "EnemyID", "EnemyName", "Health", "Attack" },
{ 1, "Goblin", 100, 10 },
{ 2, "Orc", 200, 20 },
{ 3, "Troll", 300, 30 },
{ 4, "Dragon", 1000, 100 },
["Items"] = {
{ "ItemID", "ItemName", "Type", "Value" },
{ 101, "Health Potion", "Consumable", 50 },
{ 102, "Mana Potion", "Consumable", 30 },
{ 103, "Sword", "Weapon", 150 },
{ 104, "Shield", "Armor", 100 },

2.3 Using loadExcelAsync for Asynchronous Loading

If you want to avoid blocking the current thread, you can use asynchronous loading:

local Content <const> = require("Content")
local thread <const> = require("thread")

-- Asynchronously load the Excel file
local excelData = Content:loadExcelAsync("config.xlsx")
if excelData then
-- The logic for processing data is the same as in synchronous loading
local enemiesData = excelData["Enemies"]
-- ...
print("Failed to asynchronously load Excel file.")

Note: loadExcelAsync must be called within a coroutine, so we use the thread module to create a new coroutine and execute the asynchronous load operation within it.

2.4 Loading Specific Sheets

If you only want to load specific sheets, you can use the sheetNames parameter:

local Content <const> = require("Content")

-- Load only the "Enemies" sheet
local excelData = Content:loadExcel("config.xlsx", { "Enemies" })
if excelData and excelData["Enemies"] then
-- Process the data from the "Enemies" sheet
local enemiesData = excelData["Enemies"]
-- ...
print("Failed to load data from the specified sheet.")

2.5 Error Handling

Always check if the return value is nil to handle potential loading failures:

local excelData = Content:loadExcel("nonexistent.xlsx")
if not excelData then
print("Failed to find or load Excel file.")

3. Full Example

Below is a complete example that demonstrates how to load an Excel file and convert its data into game configuration tables:

local Content <const> = require("Content")

-- Define a function to parse Excel data
local function parseExcelData(excelData)
local config = {}

-- Parse the "Enemies" sheet
if excelData["Enemies"] then
config.enemies = {}
local enemiesData = excelData["Enemies"]
-- Skip the first row as it's the header
for rowIndex = 2, #enemiesData do
local row = enemiesData[rowIndex]
local enemy = {
id = row[1],
name = row[2],
health = row[3],
attack = row[4],
table.insert(config.enemies, enemy)

-- Parse the "Items" sheet
if excelData["Items"] then
config.items = {}
local itemsData = excelData["Items"]
-- Skip the first row as it's the header
for rowIndex = 2, #itemsData do
local row = itemsData[rowIndex]
local item = {
id = row[1],
name = row[2],
type = row[3],
value = row[4],
table.insert(config.items, item)

return config

-- Synchronously load the Excel file
local excelData = Content:loadExcel("config.xlsx")
if excelData then
local gameConfig = parseExcelData(excelData)
-- Now gameConfig contains the parsed configuration data
print("Game configuration successfully loaded.")
print("Failed to load game configuration.")

4. Notes

  • The first row of an Excel sheet is typically used as the header, containing the field names. You can dynamically map fields based on the header during data parsing.
  • Ensure the Excel file path and name are correct, the file exists, and the format is valid.
  • For large Excel files, asynchronous loading can help avoid blocking the main thread and improve performance.
  • For Excel files with a large amount of data (over tens of thousands of rows), consider importing the data into a database for better query and processing efficiency. Refer to the tutorial Using SQLite Database for more details.

5. Summary

By using the loadExcel and loadExcelAsync functions in the Dora SSR engine, you can easily load configuration data from Excel files into Lua tables for use in your game. With proper parsing and encapsulation, these data can be transformed into the configuration structures needed for your game.

We hope this tutorial helps you manage configuration data in your game development process.